Monday, January 23, 2012

Madison-Seven Months

I found this letter to Madison by the computer this morning.  I'm sure Patrick won't mind me sharing.

My beautiful Madi,

Today you turned 7 months old, my angel.  I can't believe it has been 7 months since I met that beautiful, red-headed, show stopping newborn baby at the hospital.  It seems like you're growing up so fast, honey.  I just wanted to write down a little part of how I feel towards you.  From the moment I first saw you, I was blown away at your beauty.  I knew in that moment that God had given me the greatest blessing and that my life would never be the same.  I knew you were special.  Even when all the nursers saw you, they knew you were special, and they gathered around to see this beautiful sweet little girl.  I know I was hooked.  I can't bear any moment I have to spend away from you.  I cherish all the time we spend cuddling, taking naps together, and playing.  The brightest part of my day is when I come home, open the door, and see the world's sweetest smile.  Your mom and I adore you, sweet girl.  I want you to know, and never forget, that your Daddy loves you with all his heart, always and forever, no matter what.  You are cherished.

With all my love, my Angel Madi,

As for her seven month picture, let's just say we've got retakes scheduled for today.  She was teething all day yesterday.  This first picture is pretty much what she looked like all day without artificial help (i.e. jostling, singing, a dog or two to look at, or any kind of food or drink)
 I had the bright idea (get it?) of using the flash to make her happy, then switching right back to no flash to get a good shot.  Here's the second picture with flash:
Pretty big difference, right?  What can I say?  My vain little baby loves to have her picture taken, but the flash is kind of what clues her in to the process.  The only problem?  In the .08 seconds it took me to turn off the flash, she was right back to fussy girl.

At seven months, Madison:
  • is "talking" (babbling with mostly vowel sounds and a few ma's, da's, ba's, and ga's thrown in for emphasis)
  • recognizes the signs/words for milk, more, up, and all done.
  • loves to walk (with LOTS of assistance)
  • loves to feed herself avocado and mum mums, also loves to snatch her spoon from mommy's hand. 
  • still hates being on her tummy.  That crawling thing may not happen until she's in kindergarten.  
  • sleeps through the night, most of the time.
  • loves her walker!
  • loves to swing at the park.
  • gets excited when Daddy comes home!
Aside from the fact that she's cutting a tooth (or two) right now, I think this is the easiest time we've had with her.  Most days, she's a generally content baby.  I've got a feeling we are in the calm before the your-baby-is-now-mobile-storm. 

Happy seven months, Madison!
-Kelli (aka Mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I think this whole teething thing should happen in the womb. Sure babies are cuter with a big gummy smile BUT wouldn't it be nice to NEVER have to experience teething...yes. Yes, it would be!
