Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Riddance to Bad Sallies

I promise the title will make more sense by the time you've finished reading this post.

House fever is getting pretty bad here at Casa Philpot.  I've been spending at least half an hour a day finding the "perfect" next house for us.  The only problem with that strategy is that once I find the perfect house, I'll be forced to watch it get sold to someone who actually prepared themselves to buy a house instead of just looking for a house, and that will be no fun at all.

See, the first step in us getting a new house should be to get as much $$$ as possible for the one we already own.  Now that we've filed our taxes, and are expecting a refund for the first time in four years (self employment + not filing quarterly taxes + procrastination = a really stressful April 14th), we're trying to finish everything in the house that we can do with the materials we already have.  Once we get our refund, we'll use that to help with putting on a new roof.  Actually, the refund won't be very useful for putting on a new roof...refunds don't have arms.  But refunds can buy arms.  Well, technically in America, it's now illegal to buy arms or the people to which they are attached, so we'll just have to rent some arms.  Hopefully, our refund will also buy us some shingles and miscellaneous roofing materials.  Maybe if we ask it nicely.

 Anyway, I'm pretty sure the point I was trying to make is this: right now, Patrick and I are trying to accomplish everything we can without spending any money.  One of the things I'm trying to finish is the wall of frames.  This is how it looked when I first "finished" it for the Pinterest Challenge:

Then, while touching up the paint in the hallway (something I didn't post about because I can't think of many things more boring than paint touch ups), I accidentally knocked the iron scrolly thing off the wall.  Okay, I'm gonna be referencing the "scrolly thing" way too much to continue using that phrase; it shall be henceforth known as Sally. Sally used to hang by two finishing nails that had to line up perfectly with two teensy holes on her back.  The first time I hung Sally(see, this is much more fun already), I almost stopped in the middle so I could go Google some useful curse words to interject during the hanging process.  I finally got her on the wall, albeit a bit crooked, and planned to let her stay that way for all eternity, or until the house sold, whichever came first.

Not only did I knock Sally off the wall, I also bent one of the nails, as you can see in the next picture.  At this point, I was regretting my previous decision not to Google an appropriate profanity; I really could have used one.
 The funny thing is, by the time Patrick got home from work that evening, the frames sans Sally were kind of floating my boat better than they ever did before she fell down.
To tell you the truth, I don't remember how or why Sally ever became part of the frame wall arrangement.  She's not a frame, she's not rectangular, and she's not even particularly pretty!  (Sorry, Sally.  I'm sure you're a nice girl and all...)  I guess maybe segregation has its place after all.  Wow.  In one post, I've managed to mention both slavery and segregation.  I assure you that when it comes to real people, Sally excluded, I oppose both.

What do you think?  Has Sally outstayed her welcome?  Do you name inanimate objects in your home?  What do you have planned for your tax refund, or are you getting a refund this year?


PS-This makes day two that I've misspelled my name.  Yesterday was "Kelly", today was "Klli".  I wonder which typos I didn't catch?  Never mind... I'd really rather not know.

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